1984, Volume 89, Issue 2
Die Gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Geomorphologie der Anthropogenen Oberflächenformen in der Tschechoslowakei
Ladislav Zapletal
pp. 91-101 -
Neotektonik und Talbildung Am So- Rand des Böhmischen Hochlandes
Tadeáš Czudek
pp. 102-111 -
Atmospheric Precipitation Variation in Central Europe in Period of 1881-1980
Ferdinand Šamaj, Šimon Valovič, Rudolf Brázdil
pp. 112-122 -
The Present Problems of Reconstruction of Climatic Variations on the Territory of Czechoslovakia in the Historical Period
Jan Munzar
pp. 123-127 -
The Study of Local Climatological Conditions of Towns
Rudolf Brázdil, Miroslav Kolář, Pavel Prošek
pp. 128-136 -
Task of Hydrogeography in Utilization and Protection of Water Resources
Hubert Kříž
pp. 137-141 -
Interacting Natural Technical Systems in the Cultural Landscape
Jaromír Demek
pp. 142-149 -
L'application de la géographie aux problèmes de l'environnement et de la géoécologie
Miroslav Střída
pp. 150-154 -
A Contribution to Delineating the Boundaries of the Recreational Hinterland of Large Towns
Peter Mariot
pp. 155-163 -
New Trends in the Dynamism of Second Homes - Expansion Into Not Attractive Areas from Tourist Point of View
Stanislava Šprincová
pp. 164-169 -
Zur Einschätzung des Erholungspotentials der Landschaft
Miroslav Havrlant
pp. 170-179 -
The Czechoslovak Geographical Society of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Its Activity
Václav Přibyl
pp. 180-181 -
Report on the Activities of the Institute of Geography of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Vladimír Vahala
pp. 182-184 -
Orbis Geographicus Bohemoslovacus - A List of the Main Geographic Institutes and Institutions in Czechoslovakia
Václav Král
pp. 185-196