Instructions for Authors
in English
The editorial office only accepts original articles with a geographic focus and articles from related fields overlapping into geography for the peer review.
When submitting an article to the editorial office, the author pledges that the article presents the results of their own unpublished scientific research and is not simultaneously submitted for publication (sent to the peer review) to a different journal. Additionally, the author agrees not to offer them (send to the peer review) to a different journal. throughout the duration of the peer review.
The editorial office accepts the manuscripts in English or Czech and Slovak (if at least one of the authors is not Czech).
All contributions are peer-reviewed anonymously. The author is informed about the result of the peer review by a letter from the Executive Editor.
Geografie is an open access journal. Authors of each manuscript are charged 9,000 Czech crowns per manuscript. The fee is payable after the acceptance of the article for publication, before authorship proof is made.
Submission of manuscript
The complete manuscript, corresponding with the defined guidelines for authors, is submitted by the author in electronic format (Word). It must be correct in terms of its content and language. The contributions are e-mailed to the address: The author will send two files to the editorial office.
The first file (called by the surname of the first author, with the designation manuscript, such as novak-manuscript.doc) should only contain the title page of the article with the following information: the name of the article (in minuscule letters; in English only the letter at the beginning of the name is capitalised, not each word), full names and surnames of all authors (not capitalised), the work centre of all authors (no use of abbreviations, the institution must be written in full), e-mail address of all co-authors, the dedication of a project or other acknowledgements. The author should write down all of the provided information in the defined format. A corresponding author is automatically considered the one who sends the manuscript to the editorial office (from his/her e-mail address).
The second file with the manuscript itself must not contain the name of the author or any other specification. It may only contain the name of the article and the complete manuscript. The author inserts the figures right in the text. The manuscript must correspond with the required technical guidelines (see below and).
If the file is over 5 MB, the author will send notification, adding the link to the package stored, to the above-mentioned email address, after submitting the manuscript (a covering letter), through the free service
Style and form of the manuscript
The author submits the manuscript in the text editor Word, the Arial, 11-point font, single line spacing, justified alignment, spacing after paragraphs 6 pts. It is inadmissible to use automatic numbering of chapters, figures, tables, literature references, etc.
The size of a complete manuscript is maximally 8,000 words, including tables. If the designated length is exceeded, this may be a reason to reject the manuscript (non-acceptance for the peer review for technical reasons). The maximum number of fidures in the manuscript should not exceed 10‒15 (depending on their size). The editorial office can only permit a longer text under special circumstances.
Parts of complete manuscript
For the peer review, it is only possible to accept a complete manuscript comprised of the following parts.
In Czech-written manuscripts, the name of the article in English.
Abstract in English, with the size of 130–160 words (the length does not include the name of the article) and key words (five to six). In the abstract, the author introduces the objective of the article, the research question and its solution, the data used and methodology (depending on the nature of the article), and the main conclusions of the whole contribution. The abstract must not contain references to the cited literature and the grant support.
Figures are inserted directly in the Word file. The figures must be continuously numbered (Figure 1 – Name), and no distinction should be made between a map, photograph, figure, etc. At least one reference must be explicitly cited in the text for each of the figures. In the manuscript submitted for peer review, the author highlights, in yellow, the reference in the place where the figure is to be given (e.g., see Figure 1; …as obvious from Figure 1). The name must be attached to each figure and there must be a legend under each of them, including the source of the data on the basis of which the figure was created. In the case of photographs, the photographer must be listed (if the author is the same as the author of the manuscript, the name is not required).
After a manuscript is accepted for print, the author submits the source files to the editorial office without delay, with the following specifications:
- Photographs from digital cameras in the initial resolution of the camera (not diminished for the web, without transmissions of colour spaces).
- In maps, charts and technical illustrations, we prefer the vector data format (.pdf, .eps, .ai). If it is unavailable, we accept the bitmap format (.tif, .jpg) fulfilling the given qualitative parameters (see above). Along with a proof pdf/jpg, we always welcome the source file (the file in the native format of the programme in which it was created).
- The graphic studio of the publishers gives the final form to the illustrative elements (including figures and tables).
- All graphic elements must have a name, a caption, and the source of data/information of the author.
Tables must be created directly in the Word document (should not be inserted as figures), and it should be possible to edit them easily. Each table should bare its name with the legend under it, including the data source and any other notes and explanations.
The list of literature must correspond with the conditions described in further text.
The summary in the size of 500–1 000 words in English, in Czech-written articles also in English, including translated names and captions for the figures (the translation of the legends and notes) and, in parallel, in Czech.
If the author speaks Czech, they should add the abstract and summary both in Czech and English.
The language of English texts must be revised by a native speaker. The author must submit the name of and contact to the native speaker who performed the language revision.
The author submits the manuscript in the electronic form (Word) with correct facts and language.
The articles must be submitted in impeccable English, but the editorial board reserves the right to have the language of the texts revised.
Rules for the use of artificial intelligence
- 1. The Editorial Board of Geography accepts if the author uses artificial intelligence tools for formal and linguistic editing (e.g. editing of titles and subtitles, language checking, improving readability, checking citations, etc.). In this case, the use of AI tools does not need to be declared in the article.
- 2. If the author uses AI tools to extract data and insights and/or to analyse them including their interpretation as part of the research process, this must be stated and specified in the article. When submitting the article, the author must attach a statement specifying the AI tools used and confirming that, as author, he/she is responsible for the content of the article.
- 3. The statement will be placed at the end of the article, before the reference list, in a separate paragraph as follows:
- Statement on the use of artificial intelligence and AI-enabled technologies in the writing proces: In the preparation of this paper, the author(s) used [TITLE OF TOOL/SERVICE] for the purpose of [REASON AND USING THE METHOD]. After using this tool/service, the author has reviewed and edited the content and takes full responsibility for the content of the publication.
Most frequent errors
- A distinction must be made between: a hyphen (-) and a dash (–), e.g., 2000‒2016, pp. 5‒10, etc.
- We recommend that the use of abbreviations be considerably limited in the manuscripts. It is admissible to cite generally used abbreviations (MPSV, MMR, etc.). When an abbreviation is used in the text for the first time, it is necessary to present the unabridged form of the expression, with the abbreviation in parentheses, such as the Ministry for the Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD CR).
The text of the article and all figures must use geographical names of all states, including the geographical name of our state “Česko” / “Czechia”.
The list of literature and work with data sources
The list of literature must include all the works cited in the text. The text of the contribution should only include the citations referenced in the final list of the literature. If necessary, the author will separate the list of used statistical sources that are placed behind the list of the literature (such as in the case of a large number of referenced yearbooks).
Sources used are ordered alphabetically according to the author’s surname. If the works by a single author are presented, they are given in the ascending order according to the year of the publication. If there are works by a single author published in a single year, they are ordered alphabetically, according to the first word of the title name, and marked with the letters a, b, c… and the year of the release. If the author is not given, the publication is listed according to the first word in its name. If an author has co-authors, these titles are only listed after the citations of the primary author, in descending alphabetical order.
Bibliographic citations must correspond with the following models.
Citation from a journal:
ALBA, R., FONER, N. (2017): How Successful is Immigrant Group Integration in the United States and Western Europe? A Comparative Review and Analysis. Geography, 122, 4, 409–428.
Citation from a book:
GREGORY, K. J. (2000): The changing nature of physical geography. Arnold, London.
Citation from a book chapter:
MARCOU, G. (1993): New tendencies of local government development in Europe. In: Bennet, R. J. (ed.): Local government in the new Europe. Belhaven Press, London, New York, 51–66.
Citation from Internet:
MANDELMAN, A. (2012): Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba, (1.1.2016).
ČSÚ (2017): Městská a obecní statistika, Český statistický úřad, (1.2.2017).
References to internet sources contain the name of the webpage, the full (functional) hypertext link and the date of access of the cited sources.
In the names of articles in English, only the first letter of the first word is capitalised. The remainder are lowercase letters (if these are not proper names).
References to literature and sources in the text:
A reference to a publication in the text is made by listing the author and the year of the publication (in parentheses). For example: The delineation of migrant currents was examined by Korčák (1961), who was followed by others later (Hampl et all 1978).
If there is a reference to a work with one, two, or three authors, the text mentions them by their names (such as Brázdil 2017; Alba, Foner 2017; Brázdil, Řezníčková, Valášek 2013). If the cited work has four or more authors, the text mentions the first author with his name followed by the expression „et alii“ (such as the article written by Drbohlav, Bailey, Lupták, Čermáková is presented in the text as Drbohlav et all 2017). Individual references are separated by a comma (Düvell 2017, Górny 2017). If there are more references with several authors in a row, the individual references are separated by a semi-colon (Alba, Foner 2017; Drbohlav et all 2017).
If there is a literal quotation of an important conclusion, or concrete data are cited, the literal citation is given in quotation marks. It is necessary to write the number of the page(s) in the cited publication behind its year. For example: the authors say “on the other hand, one can expect major differences in the case of the observed phenomena” (Brázdil, Řezníčková, Valášek 2013, pp. 351‒352).
Peer review
All contributions are peer-reviewed anonymously. The editorial office does not disclose the name of the author of the article to the peer reviewers, and vice versa. The editorial board does not send its reports to the authors. The author receives the result of the peer-review process, or the statement on whether the article was accepted in the original form, including the comments (demands for specific modifications arising from the summary of peer reviews), or whether it was rejected (with an explanation).
In the first stage of the peer review, the manuscript is assessed by the editorial board. The executive editor judges whether the submitted manuscript corresponds with the technical demands of the editorial office or the published guidelines for authors. Then, the editor-in-chief, or deputy editors, designate the rapporteur from the editorial board, depending on the thematic focus of the manuscript. They then jointly assess the submitted text, regarding its content and thematic focus and whether it meets the demands for a scientific article. If the manuscript meets the presented preconditions and is suitable for publication in Geografie, a peer review starts. The article is examined by at least two peer reviewers. They are chosen from the ranks of experts on the given topic, and in the case of English articles are mostly from the ranks of foreign experts.
The author receives the summary of peer reviews which is summarised by the rapporteur of the article. The set of peer reviews is complemented with the comments from other members of the editorial board. The time to modify the manuscript, on the basis of the reviewing comments, is maximally 2 months. If the author modifies the article sooner, this logically shortens the time within which the editorial board decides on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript for print.
The author adjusts the manuscript in the Word text editor in the track changes mode. Before the adjustment of the manuscript begins, the author deletes his/her name or the name of the computer (on the menu bar of the text editor: review / track changes options / change user name (please, set “author”). If this step is not fulfilled, it is impossible to continue with the peer review. At the same time, the author expresses their position on every reviewing comment in the file “Reviewing comments” saying on each point whether and in which way they responded to the concrete remark. If the author does not take into account any of the reviewing comments for any reason, they should briefly present the explanation of their decision.
The manuscript adjusted by the author is judged by their rapporteur and if need be (especially if a basic redrafting of the manuscript is demanded) also by one or two peer reviewers.
The final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for print is made by the editorial board on the basis of a summary report by the rapporteur. The author of the article is then informed about the result of the peer review.
The peer review is strictly anonymous.
Length of the peer review process
The editorial office makes every attempt to shorten the length of the peer review. Last year, the authors received statements by the editorial board (following the drafting of the reviewing reports) on average within three months after the article was submitted to the editorial office. The entire peer review process (acceptance of an article for print) on average lasted 5.5 months.
The executive editor only issues confirmation of the acceptance of the article for print after the peer review ends in a positive result.
The editorial board and publisher (the Czech Geographical Society, ČGS) reserve the right to release the published contributions on the webpage of the journal. If accepted for print, the author agrees with publication of the article in the electronic version.
We recommend the authors also publish the article in full (the resulting pdf file released on the webpage Geografie) on their personal portals and also on the “Research gate,” “” etc.
The fee for the provision of open access to the article (publication in the “open access” form) is 9,000 Czech crowns or 400 EUR. The fee is payable after the acceptance of the article for print, before authorship proof is made..
There is no payment of authorship or reviewing royalties.
Contributions that do not correspond with the described guidelines are not accepted by the editorial office.