1974, Volume 79, Issue 2
The 80th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Geographical Society Attached to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Miloš Nosek
pp. 77-81 -
The Landscape Evaluation of the Territory (Aesthetic of the Landscape)
Stanislav Muranský
pp. 82-93 -
Observations of Groundwaters on the Territory of Czechoslovakia
Hubert Kříž, Ingeborg Křížová
pp. 94-100 -
Klasifikace měst ČSR podle polohy v dopravních sítích
Josef Hůrský
pp. 101-107 -
A Contribution to the Distribution of Tourism in Slovakia
Peter Mariot
pp. 108-121 -
Geography, Environment, an Its Political and International Aspects
Miloš Nosek
pp. 122-131 -
Some Views on Quantification in Geography
Zdeněk Pavlík
pp. 132-140