Geografie 2010, 115, 21-43

Differences in the availability of transport possibilities in Czech municipalities and socio-geographical micro-regions

Miroslav Marada, Viktor Květoň

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2, Czechia

Received August 2009
Accepted January 2010

The aim of this paper is to analyse the spatial differentiation of transport possibilities, i.e. the availability of public transport connections (bus and train) and households equipped with cars. Monitoring has been carried out on two levels. First, an analysis of differences in transport possibilities was made, in socio-geographical regions (with at least a sub-regional extent of powers) and at the municipality level, using essential statistical indexes, spatial autocorrelation (the univariate LISA procedure) and cartographic observations. Anticipated socio-geographical conditional factors as well as geo-societal factors were observed and these are evaluated in the second part of the paper. The last step involved the creation of a typology of socio-geographical micro-regions, in terms of their transport possibilities and using cluster analysis. It is evident that the rate of automoblization is not spatially differentiated to the same degree as public transport connections, which differ significantly among municipalities and socio-geographical regions. Altogether, six main types of regions are described, in the context of transport availability in Czechia.


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