Geografie 2007, 112, 161-184
Integration of foreigners, pupils of elementary and secondary schools, into the Czech society: Example of Prague
This contribution deals with foreign immigrant children/youths and their integration into the Czech society; it focuses upon the issue that has so far been rather terra incognita in Czechia. The paper brings results of a research on the integration process of two groups of foreign children/youths. Data/information come from a questionnaire survey in 13 selected schools (a sort of quota sampling method was applied). Altogether 45 post-Soviets (mostly Russians and Ukrainians) and 35 Asians (Vietnamese and Chinese) aged between 10 and 18 who migrated to Czechia in the years 1991-2001, i.e. the so called "1.5 generation", and currently live and attend basic or secondary schools in Prague were contacted. A control group of 47 Czech pupils/students was juxtaposed to the given foreigners. The data was analysed by Chi-square test, correlate analysis and factor analyses and the whole set of various aspects related to immigrants' integration into the Czech society (from their success in schools to their complex satisfaction with their integration into the Czech society) are presented and commented upon.
integration, Czechia, post-Soviets, Vietnamese, Chinese, immigrant children/youths, 1.5 generation, quantitative analysis.
Příspěvek je založen na výzkumné zprávě komparativního projektu Evropské komise "Dimensions of Integration: Migrant Youth in Central European Countries (The Czech Republic)", která byla pod vedením Mezinárodní organizace pro migraci (I0M) ve Vídni vypracována v roce 2005 (viz Drbohlav, Dzúrová, Černík 2005). Zpráva je významně krácena a upravena. Současně je jedním z výstupů Výzkumného záměru MSM 0021620831 Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky.