Geografie 2005, 110, 300-314

Contribution to cultural-geographical research: Possible evaluations of cultural aspects by statistical methods

Silvie Kuldová

Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

The aim of this article is to show that an evaluation of cultural aspects does not always mean an operation with "soft", non-quantifiable data. It is possible to refer to cultural variety of regions also with the help of numeric indicators, so-called "hard" data. As an example, differences between the Czech borderland and inland are studied in this article. The used characteristics are the percentage of native persons and number of municipality parts per municipality. Dissimilarity ratio of these indicators in space is evaluated by statistical analysis methods: independent-samples T test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square tests. Component analysis outputs help to complete the findings. Statistically significant differences between the identity of the Czech borderland and inland were proved. The impact of the former Czech-German linguistic boundary on the degree of regional identity of the inhabitants is still sensible.


Příspěvek byl zpracován v rámci řešení grantového projektu GA UK č. 278/2005/B-GEO/PrF: Geografická diferenciace regionální identity obyvatel v Česku v období vstupu České republiky do EU. Autorka děkuje grantové agentuře za podporu.