Geografie 2000, 105, 77-85
The population development in the borderland of South Bohemia and Upper Austria after the Second World War
The article briefly analyses the population development in the Czech-Austrian borderland and that in five time horizons during the period 1950-1997. The model territory (municipalities of four near-border districts) manifested a very intensive development of the number of inhabitants due mainly to the transfer of the inhabitants of German nationality after the Second World War and the establishment of the so-called iron curtain. What a strong barrier for population development was the existence of the iron curtain and has its fall caused new development tendencies? In general it can be said that nearer the locality was to the border line, more the number of inhabitants stagnated or even decreased. After the fall of the iron curtain the model territory has been getting more attractive and the number of inhabitants has been progressively growing.
Příspěvek byl částečně zpracován v rámci grantového projektu GA ČR č. 205/99/1142 pod názvem "Postavení pohraničí v regionálním rozvoji České republiky se zřetelem k zapojení ČR do evropských struktur" a autor děkuje Grantové agentuře České republiky za její finační podporu.