Geografie 1996, 101, 22-40

Prášilské Lake

Aleš Zbořil

Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský, sekce informatiky, Podbabská 30, Praha 6, Czechia

It was in 1906 when V. Švambera made first mapping of the Prášilské Lake's profile and depth. It took 88 years, however, until more recent geomorphological and limnological research has been carried out in 1994. Glacial relicts in the lake were mapped and the results were incorporated in a geomorphological map, scale 1:10,000. 33 depth profiles were measured and a new ground plan of the lake has been created. Thermic conditions, colour and transparentness of water, as well as hydrological regime, have been researched, too.