Keyword index
- Pacific/North American Pattern
- palaeoclimatic records
- palaeogeographical history
- paleogeography of the Pleistocene
- palimpsest
- pandemic
- Pannonian Basin
- paper maps
- paradigms in human geography
- paradigms of human geography
- parliamentary elections
- participation
- participative mapping
- participatory development
- party replacement
- passive and active morphostructure
- past 500 years
- path dependence
- patterned ground
- Pavel Olexík
- peat
- peat bog
- peat bogs hydrological function
- peat soils
- perception
- perception of countryside
- perceptions
- perceptions of cultural identity
- perceptions of politicians and planners
- perceptual region
- periglacial
- periglacial conditions
- periglacial forms
- periglacial landforms
- periglacial modelling
- periglacial processes and land forms
- period 1948-1989
- periods 1845 - 1948 - 1990 (1995)
- Peripannonian region (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- peripheral municipalities
- peripheral region
- peripheral regions
- periphery
- Periyar PURA
- permafrost quarry
- permanent
- personal conception of teaching
- personalized and general attitudes
- perspectives of geography
- phantom border
- phosphorus
- photogrammetry
- phyllonite
- physical geography
- physical parameters of water
- physical spatial structure
- Picea abies
- PIL mapping
- Pinus halepensis
- pit lakes
- place
- place attractiveness
- planation surfaces
- planed surface
- PlanetScope
- Pleistocene stratigraphical system
- Ploučnice river basin
- Plzeň
- Podkrušnohoří
- point and non-point sources of pollution
- Poland
- polarization of territorial organization
- Polická vrchovina
- policy
- policy of relevance
- Polish and world geography
- Polish geography
- political ideologies
- political cleavages
- political economy
- political geography
- political instability
- political migration
- political parties
- political symbolic space
- political typology
- politics
- pollen analyse
- pollution
- pollution sources (agriculture, population)
- ponds
- pools
- population
- population and economic growth
- population change
- population development
- population dynamics
- population grid data
- population migration
- population of Slovakia
- population structure
- population trends
- populist radical right
- positional uncertainty
- positive and negative aspects of international movements
- post-colonialist theory
- post-Communist city
- post-industrial landscape
- post-productivist transition
- post-socialist cities
- post-socialist city
- post-socialist transformation
- post-socialist urban studies
- post-Soviets
- postmodern city
- postponement
- postponement of childbearing
- postsocialism
- potential development
- poverty
- power
- practical impact of geography education
- practical level
- Prague
- Prague urban region
- Prášilské Lake
- pre-service teachers
- precipitation
- precipitation extremes
- precipitation intensities
- precipitation change
- precipitation phase
- precipitation variability
- prediction
- predictive modelling
- preferences
- prejudice
- preliminary and definitive maps
- Přerov
- present landscape map
- preservation programs
- presuppositions for the further population development
- prices
- primary energy resources
- principal component analysis
- principles of identity
- priorities and projects
- privatization of the Czech agriculture
- problems of economic restructuralization
- processes and factors of regional development
- production of space
- Professor Jaromír Korčák
- profile
- profit
- prognosis
- project management
- projection evaluation
- protecting of nature
- protection measures
- Protestantism
- pseudokarst
- pseudokarst cave
- public-private partnership
- public administration division in the past and its new changes
- public facilities
- public housing
- public investments
- public opinion
- public roads
- public space
- public transport
- public transport connections
- public transportation
- pupil