Geografie 1990, 95, 117-120

A Come-back to the Term "Town" in Czechoslovakia

Alois Andrle, Vladimír Srb

Terplan, Platnéřská 19, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The paper reacts to the article published in Sborník ČSGS, 94, 2, p., 103-106 (1989) on the proposal of the authors of a new conception of the terms "urban-rural" published in Sborník ČSGS, 93, 2, p. 103-115 (1988) and Sborník ČSGS, 93, 4, p. 252-264 (1988). The authors stress the fact that at the present time no other demographic data for the analysis of the number and movement of population than those concerning villages at the smallest territorial units are at the disposal.