Geografie 1986, 91, 261-281

Differenciation of the Demographic and Socioeconomic Development of Districts in Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Alois Andrle

Terplan - Státní ústav pro územní plánování, Platnéřská 19, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

In the first introductory part of the contribution the main attention is paid to the importance and changes of territorial differences during the post-war period. The initial major differences (inherited from the capitalist period and existing especially between the western and eastern parts of Czechoslovakia) have already been satisfactorily solved. However new differences are gradually arising. New territorial differences have indeed a different character - they are no more essential and relate mostly to small regions only. In the second part the author illustrates the contemporary territorial differentiation in the district scale on the example of the development and the present situation of population and its economic activity.