Geografie 1986, 91, 97-101

The 70th Birthday anniversary of Professor M. Lukniš

Oliver Bašovský

Katedra regionálnej geografie Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, Vajnorská 4, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

On the 26th February, 1986 Professor RNDr. Michal Lukniš, DrSc., professor in the department of regional geography at the Natural Sciences Faculty of the Komenský University in Bratislava celebrated his 70th birthday anniversary. His name is closely connected with the post-war development of the Slovak as well as Czechoslovak geography. Under his guidance the modern Slovak geography has developed in the scientific, pedagogical as well as organization field, and his research methods and achieved results have brought it to the international level.