Geografie 1980, 85, 106-113

Terraces on the Danube between Turnu Magurele and Calaraşi, and the development of valleys in the Quarternary

Nicolae Popp

The author describes the terraces formed on the Danube in the area under investigation. Downstream their number decreases from 4 to 2. They have developed predominantly on the left side of the river. Geological prospect holes revealed their thickness, their fluvial and fluviolacustrine origin, petrographical composition, and showed to what extent the Quarternary sediments have been affected by neotectonic movements. The river bed has been constantly shifting to the right with the exception of the area under Glurgiu. The development of the Danube valley has gone on quite independently of the development of the Rumanian lowland which became dry land after the retreat of a large Pleistocene lake.