Geografie 1973, 78, 97-105

Mineral Swamp Soos, a Source of Natural Surface Water Pollution in the Cheb Basin

Miroslav Novák, Pavel Šimonek

Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský, Praha - Podbaba, Czechia

Environmental pollution control necessarily requires increased attention to be devoted to the influences acting negatively on water quality. In addition to sources of artificial pollution, greater interest must be also paid to natural sources such as soils with brigh humus content, the to called humolites. The authors poves the effect of one type of humolites - mineral swamps - on the quality of surface waters. As example they chose the swamps of Soos near Františkovy Lázně which have been often described from various aspects. Based on hydrological, chemical and biologic investigations, the authors ascertained that the water flowing from the area of Soos severely pollutes the surface waters of the adjacent river system with dissolved and suspended solids. Almost 1200 tons of dissolved matter are removed from Soos in one year, the weight of suspended solids being considerably lower. Of the substance dissolved in water predominate sulfates, sodium, chlorides, and calcium. The concentration of these compounds in the water reaches such an extent that it destroys the ichthyofauna in a long section of the stream and even hinders natural fish migration. The authors further point out the damage threatening this rare natural territory due to solids removal and stress the urgency of enforcing the already earlier suggested measures to its rescue. Simultaneoully this would include a reduction of the present polluting effect on surface waters.