Geografie 1968, 73, 374-380

Problem of the Forest and Tree Limits in the World

Pavol Plesník

Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity J. A. Komenského, Rajská 32 b, Bratislava, Slovakia

It is a discussion about the conditions of the distribution of the forest and tree limits and about the distinction of forest and tree limit at all. In the first part of the paper the main conditions of both limits are thoroughly considered, temperature, orographical influence - in height and mass - in the mountains, wind, drifting snow, avalanches, lack of fine soils, repartition of dryness of the water in the soils, mineralisation of the soils and biological conditions. In the discussion about the existence of the limit of forest separated from the limit of tree we can state that, there where the trees reach a low age in consequence of unfavourable conditions and where they are insufficiently regenerated, there can be separated the limit of the forest from the limit of tree.