Geografie 1966, 71, 339-342

Meteorology and Climatology in Regional Planning and Urbanism

Miloš Nosek

Přírodovědecká fakulta University J. E. Purkyně, Brno, Kotlářská 2, Czechia

In this brief meditation, the author deals with the importance of meteorology (as a discipline of physical sciences) and climatology (as a discipline of geographical sciences) for regional planning and urbanism. He criticizes the shortcomings having existed up to know in regional planning, caused by the unsatisfactory co-operation between the planning institutions and the climatologists. According to the nature and aims of the regional plan, it is essential to know beforehand the results of macroclimatologic, mesoclimatologic, microclimatologic and often even bioclimatologic research in the area in question. The author also mentions several methods of obtaining climatological characteristics useful for the planning of human activity in the countryside.