Geografie 1960, 65, 95-109

Geomorphological Conditions of the Mnichov-Brook Region in Western Bohemia

Čestmír Brázda

The drainage basin of the Mnichov Brook takes up the southern part of the Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) area composed of two orographic wholes - Císařský les (Emperor's Wood) and the Plateau of the river Teplá. From the geological point of view the area under observation belongs to the crystalline core of the Bohemian Mass, i. e. to the system of Krušné hory. In Oligocene the area was a peneplaine stretching all over the Bohemian Mass. Today the peneplaine has been preserved only in fragments in the form of small denudation plateaus occuring at different altitudes. The asymmetry of the valley sides cut at different altitudes by denudation plateaus, the regular pattern of the drainage network and finally the occurrence of pronounced morphological slopes speak clearly for the fact that the original peneplaine was tectonically broken into blocks some of which got uplifted whereas others subsided as a consequence of the tectonic movements. To regions elevated in the process belongs the granitic mass north of Kynžvart with denudation plateaus occurring at an altitude of about 930-940 m, the area of Císařský les reaching the average altitude of 830-840 m, the serpentine mass of Vlčí hřbet (Wolf's Ridge) (880 m), and the range called "V boru" (Pine Wood) (865 m) all of which survived only due to their power of resistence to all agents of destruction. The basin-shaped depression called "Prameny" (Springs) and the area of the Teplá Plateau lying some 70-80 m lower than the surface of the Císařský les subsided during the tectonic movements. That we are correct in our hypothesis on tectonic warping of the countryside is best demostrated by the occurrence of mineral springs rising on valley floors as well as along the foot of slopes the tectonic origin of which has been proved by applying geomorphological methods of work.