Geografie 2014, 119, 342-363

A Chronology of Landsliding and its Impacts on the Village of Halenkovice, Outer Western Carpathians

Michal Bíl1, Oldřich Krejčí2, Martina Bílová1, Jan Kubeček1, Jiří Sedoník1, Vladimíra Krejčí2

1Transport Research Centre, Líšeňská 33a, 636 00 Brno, Czechia
2Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 69, 658 69 Brno, Czechia

Received December 2013
Accepted October 2014

front cover

ISSN 1212-0014 (Print) ISSN 2571-421X (Online)
