Geografie 2008, 113, 34-47

Regional development programme: Unwanted child or useful helper?

Miroslav Smejkal

Krajský úřad Pardubického kraje, Odbor strategického rozvoje kraje, Czechia

This paper focuses on analysis of development programmes of regions in Czechia. In the process of designing the regional development policy the regions specify their development priorities and the ways to implement them. The regional development programmes should mirror this process. The programmes are analysed in 3 steps; (i) the quantitative identification of differences and common attributes in the structure of programmes, (ii) the analysis of quality of programmes by means of a check-list of 22 questions, (iii) the interpretation of results of interviewing officials in charge at Regional Offices. Finally, recommendations for a better quality of programmes and thus for a better setting-up and implementation of regional development policy are proposed.