Geografie 2006, 111, 186-197

Foreign direct investments in Czechia

Pavla Žížalová

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

Foreign direct investments (FDI) are an often discussed phenomenon which is considered to play a key role in the process of transformation and restructuralization in the post-communist countries. This paper examines its regional distribution and challenges rather uncritical views on this phenomenon. FDI are distributed geographically very unevenly as almost three fifths of total FDI inflows into the Czech Republic have been located in Prague and almost four fifths in the metropolitan areas. Thus, FDI are one of the factors, which intensify uneven development and contribute to regional disparities.