Geografie 2006, 111, 168-185

Water quality changes in rural regions in Czechia

Jakub Langhammer, Zdeněk Kliment

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

The article presents the analysis of water quality state and changes in three catchments in agricultural landscape (Blšanka, Loučka and Olšava) facing long-term problems with surface water quality and at the same time lacking sufficient information on water quality changes. These catchments are situated in different geographical areas and manifest different physical-geographical characteristics and intensity and character of anthropogenous use. In model catchments, conditions of substance removal, including spatial distribution of erosional risk, were analysed, transport of floated material observed and surface water quality analysed from the longterm perspective and from the viewpoint of spatial distribution of specific substance removal.


Výzkum byl realizován za finanční podpory grantu GAUK 178/2000/B-GEO "Dynamika plošného odnosu látek z povodí v geograficky odlišných podmínkách ČR" a Výzkumného záměru MSM 0021620831 "Geografické systémy a rizikové procesy v kontextu globálních změn a evropské integrace".