Geografie 2006, 111, 92-114

Changes of land use in Prague urban region

Ivan Bičík, Lucie Kupková

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czechia

Land use changes in Prague urban region (the capitol - Prague, the Prague-East and the Prague-West districts) are evaluated in the article in the time period of 1845-2000 and that is done on the data basis of the land use structure in the years 1845, 1948, 1990 and 2000. The evaluated time horizons are historical milestones in social development of Czechia, the stress is put on the last ten-year period of transformation. The LUCC Prague methodology was used for the evaluation of land use development. The intensity of occurred changes is analysed through the index of change, the typology of main landscape processes in individual partial phases of the evaluated period is analysed further. The cadastral territory of Čestlice was selected as a case study, in which the comparison ofland use structure in the years 1845 (reconstruction from cadastral maps) and 2003 (field mapping itself) was carried out in details.


The article is the output of the grant project GAČR No. 205/05/0475 "Driving forces of changes and regional differentiation in land use in Czechia and neighbouring countries. Prospects after joining the European Union".