Geografie 2005, 110, 129-140

New Trends of the Geographic Research into Lakes in Czechia

Bohumír Janský

Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

Research into lakes both in Czechia and abroad was carried on by number of geographers in Prague. This tradition was established by the founder of the Geographic Institute of Charles University, Professor Václav Švambera. In the 1970's, the tradition was then taken over by the author of this article. A lot of his disciples have taken part in the research into lakes since. Thanks to the backing of the Grant Agency of Charles University, the project "Lakes in the Czech Republic" has been completed - its aim was to compile an extensive study on the Czech lakes including their genetic classification. The previous work has been followed by the latest extensive project backed by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic "Atlas of Lakes in the Czech Republic".


Článek, stejně jako celé monotematické číslo, vznikl za finanční podpory grantu GAČR "Atlas jezer České republiky" (205/03/1264) a výzkumného záměru MŠM 0021620831 "Geografické systémy a rizikové procesy v kontextu globálních změn a evropské integrace".