Geografie 2004, 109, 189-196

Lakes and water reservoirs in the Czech Republic

Miroslav Šobr1, Tibor Pécs2, Filip Hartvich1

1Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia
2Institut of Geography, Faculty of Science, Univerzity of Plicz, Hungary

The paper provides information about the activities, work and results of the working group "Lakes and water reservoirs in the Czech Republic" during the Intensive Programme ERASMUS in August 2003 in Prague. First part of the article provides information about water reservoirs in the Czech Republic, the second describes the excursion to the Třeboň basin, and finally we present basic information about the youngest lake in the Czech Republic, Mladotické Lake, which we also visited during our field programme.