Geografie 2004, 109, 27-35

Accumulation of river run-off through water reservoirs in the upper part of the Odra River basin in the territory of the Czech Republic

Vladislav Kříž

Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta OU, Chittussiho 10, 710 00 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava, Czechia

In accordance with the present world trend, the hydrological research in Czechia has been recently aimed at anthropogenous changes of water regime in the landscape. Systematic research in this sense in the Odra River basin brings a relatively comprehensive view on the "anthropogenous hydrology" of this basin. Reservoirs of the Odra water management system have a significant transformation impact on the water regime of rivers. Especially their accumulation effect is the main subject of this paper.


Autor s poděkováním uvádí, že příspěvek byl zpracován v rámci grantu Grantové agentury ČR č. 205/02/1187.