Geografie 2003, 108, 173-190
Differentiation and turns in regional development of Karlovy Vary region: A unique case or a general regional pattern?
The paper provides an empirical analysis of the long-term regional development process in a specific region of the Czech Republic. It also searches for a general pattern of the regional organisation of society. Particular emphasis is given to processes of concentration and hierarchisation of centres and regions during the industrial period. The analysis shows that after the Second World War three dramatic turns in the development of the region had negative impacts on social quality of the region and still appear to have on current post-industrial tendencies in the economic development. Finally, the paper examines complementary relationship between general and specific levels of regional analysis and assessment.
regional development, settlement hierarchy, general and specific, regional organisation of society.
Autor děkuje za finanční podporu Grantové agentuře ČR projekt č. 205/03/0337.