Geografie 2000, 105, 241-254

Border regions in the Czech Republic: contemporary tendencies of development differentiation

Martin Hampl

Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

The article focuses on problems of current tendencies differentiating between borderland and inland, and among border regions themselves. First, the borderland - inland differences are still limited, but they will be probable deepening in future. Second, the differences among border regions are important both in intensity of settlement and in economic level, and in current development dynamics. Key factors of regional differentiation appear to be xxxx - locational position and inherited economic specialization.


Autor děkuje za finanční podporu Grantové agentuře ČR - projekt 205/99/1142.