Geografie 1999, 104, 268-281

Cartogram and Cartodiagram - Determination of Objective Scale

Jaromír Kaňok

Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta OU, tř. 30. dubna 22, 710 00 Ostrava, Czechia

On thematic maps created on computers mistakes often appear, because specialists in informatics who lack the fundamental knowledge of thematic cartography usually make mistakes. One of the most frequent mistakes arises when creating scales of cartograms and cartodiagrams. Cartogram is a map with partial territorial units, to which statistical data (relative values) mostly of geographical character are illustrated by areaway. Cartodiagram is a map with partial territorial units, in which the statistic data (absolute values) mostly of the geographic character are demonstrated by diagrams. The following procedure should be kept: numeration of occurrence of the phenomenon in regular intervals; determination of the distribution; eventual testing; creation of scale according to the character of frequency division; choice of suitable colours, rasters; arranging of resulting cartograms or cartodiagram.


Příspěvek vznikl v rámci grantu GAČR č. 403/98/0642 s názvem Mentální mapa českého Slezska. Vědomí slezské identity obyvatelstva.