Keyword index
- cable car
- cadastral unit
- cadastre
- Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Čantoryjská hornatina Hilly Region
- Cape Verde Islands
- capital market
- car
- carrying capacity
- cartodiagram
- cartogram
- cartographic animation
- cartographic assessment
- cartographic design
- cartographic representation
- cartographic representation till 1650
- cartographic synthesis
- cartographic visualization
- cartographical education
- cartographical methods
- cartographical symbology
- cartographical tools
- cartography
- cartometric analysis
- case studies
- case study
- casino-economy
- Caspian Sea
- catchment
- categories of flood waves
- Catling’s typology
- Caucasus
- causative factors
- cemetery
- census
- centenary
- centennial anniversary
- center
- Central and Eastern Europe
- Central Bohemian Hilly land
- Central City
- Central Europe
- Central European temperature series
- centres hierarchy
- centrography
- Černičí catchment
- Černínovsko
- Čertovo jezero Lake
- České středohoří Mts.
- České Švýcarsko National Park
- Českomoravská vrchovina Highland
- Český Brod
- change
- change of administrative regions
- change trends
- changes in ground water circulation
- changes in the hydrological regime
- channel-floodplain system
- channel changes
- channel morphology step-pool
- channel processes
- Charles University
- Charles University in Prague
- chemical and biological evaluation of water quality
- chemical composition
- chemical extraction
- chemical parameters of water
- chernozem
- children's geographies
- China
- Chinese
- Christianity
- Cidlina River catchment area
- circular
- circulation types
- circumference
- citation analysis
- cities
- city
- city centre
- civic initiatives
- civil society
- civilization
- clandestine migration
- class of quality
- classes of water purity
- classification
- classification of real systems
- clast lithology
- climate change
- climate changes
- climate extremes
- climate variability
- climate warming
- climatic effects
- climatological trends
- climatology
- cloud cover
- cluster analysis
- Clustering
- coal mining and metallurgy restructuring
- coastal state
- cognitive processing
- coherence
- cold event
- collective identity
- commercial forms of tourism
- Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
- Communist Party
- Community Mobility Reports
- commuter migration
- commuting
- commuting to work
- commuting to work and schools
- comparative analysis
- comparison with Saxony/Germany and Lower Silesia/Poland
- competence and agency in geographical education
- competitiveness
- complex importance
- complex phenomena
- complex regime
- complexity
- component analysis
- componental analysis
- components
- computer-assisted cartography
- computer aided methods
- computers
- concentration
- concentration/deconcentration
- concentration/deconcentration and convergence/divergence
- concept
- concepts
- conceptualisation and measuring
- conditional factors of geographical differentiation
- conditionality of preferences
- conditioning of hierarchization
- conflict
- conflict sites of memory
- congestion
- constructivism
- consumer behaviour
- contact systems
- context of planning decisions
- contextual effect
- continental glaciation
- continental shelf
- continentality index
- continuity of geographical space
- Convention on the Law on the Sea
- conventional food system
- convergence
- convergence cycles
- conversion
- conversion and reuse process
- conversion of military sites
- cooperative
- core
- core–periphery
- correlation
- correlation analysis
- correlation and regression analysis
- counterfactual
- counterurbanization
- country
- countryside
- couples of towns
- COVID-19
- Cracow
- Cretaceous sandstones
- crime hot spots
- Crimean mountains
- critical assessment
- critical thinking
- critique
- crop yields
- cross-border cooperation
- cross country movement
- cross validation
- cryogenic forms
- cryoplanation terrace
- cryptodepression
- cultural-landscape layer
- cultural adaptation
- cultural and disturbed landscape
- cultural and historical preconditions
- cultural and social capital
- cultural elements
- cultural geography
- cultural landscape
- curiosity
- curricular reform
- curriculum
- curriculum fidelity
- curriculum recontextualization
- curriculum reform
- Czech-Bavarian borderland
- Czech-German cooperation
- Czech and Slovak geography
- Czech curriculum research
- Czech Geographic Society
- Czech geography
- Czech Lands
- Czech landscapes
- Czech market
- Czech municipalities
- Czech/Polish transition zone
- Czech Republic
- Czech state
- Czech terminology
- Czech travellers
- Czechia
- Czechoslovakia