Geografie 1989, 94, 1-4

26th Congress of the International Geographical Union

Josef Brinke

Katedra učitelství a didaktiky geografie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

The autor, head of the Czechoslovak delegation, presents basic information about the 26th International Geographical Congress which took place in Sydney, Australia, from 21st to 26th August, 1988. The Congress was formally opened by Sir N. Stephen, Gavernor General of Australia, at the Concert Hall of Sydney Opera House. All sessions and exhibitions were held at the University of Sydney, established in 1850. In the congress more than 1200 geographers participated while from among 88 IGU member countries 51 ones were represented by official delegations. About 800 papers were presented in 14 sections, working and study groups sessions. Prof. Ronald Fuchs from the USA was elected president by the General Assembly of IGU for the next four years. The 27th International Geographical Congress will take place in Washington, D.C. in 1992.