Geografie 1986, 91, 282-296

The Application of Cluster Analysis in the Study of the Geoecological Landscape Structure

Jaromír Kolejka1, Marián Miklaš2

1Geografický ústav ČSAV, Mendlovo nám. 1, 662 82 Brno, Czechia
2Výskumný ústav jadrových elektrární, 919 31 Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovak Republic

The article discusses the application of the methodical apparatus of cluster analysis in order to rationalize and objectify the process of the complex physico-geographical regionalization. The results obtained by the qualitative data statistical proceedings concerning geology, land forms, insolation, moisture, soil and vegetation properties of the localities and represented by the elementary fields of the rectangular network on the maps of the studied area of the Dyje river basin, gave us a picture of the geoecological structure of the landscape in the model area. By combining the furthest neighbour method and simple matching coefficient we succeeded in setting up a hierarchical system of 12 types of geocomplexes, and a hierarchical system of the boundaries between them. The findings were shown on computer maps.