Geografie 1985, 90, 23-32

A Contribution to the Knowledge of Present-Day Geomorphic Processes in the Upper Part of the Drainage Basin of the Suchý potok (Dry Creek) in South-West Part of the České středohoří (Central Bohemian Highlands)

Jindřich Petrlík

Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty UJEP, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czechia

The georelief segments in the upper part of the drainage basin of the Suchý potok (Dry Creek) are defined on the basis of field mapping (map of land-use and present-day geomorphic processes and computation of the potential water soil erosion). Each segment is characterized by the use of the georelief (I-IV), dominant geomorphic process (1-11) and the value of the potential water soil erosion (A-C). Individual georelief segments are evaluated from the point of view of their economic use.