Geografie 1975, 80, 210-226

Bibliography of Czechoslovak Geography in 1974

Miroslav Střída, Jana Runštuková

The annual review of national and international works on Czechoslovakia has been published now regularly in the 3rd number of the Journal of Czechoslovak Geographical Society. It presents a wide selection of original and derived articles, papers, books, maps other geographical and regional works on the Czechoslovak territory issued in the year 1974 (exceptionally in 1973 that are denoted). The Bibliography of Czechoslovak Geography has been developed in the Central Geographical Library of Charles University under cooperation of Czechoslovak and Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bibliographical Department of the National Library and Central Archives of Geodesy and Cartography in Prague. The regional bibliographical system of CZECHOSLOVAKIA divided in four sections and seven parts is completed by some general theoretical methodical and pedagogical studies by Czech and Slovak authors only. The system of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY contains general studies. The works concerning the whole Czechoslovak, Slovak and Czech territory are summed up as Generalities. The section of Physical Geography is divided into the part of Geomorphology including karst investigation, and the part of Climatology, Hydrology, Biogeography, Pedology. The section of Human Geography discerns the part of Population, Settlements including the urban geography, and the part of Economics which contains the manufacturing, agricultural, trade and other economic geography. The books, articles and maps of more regional or local character get into the section of Regional Works which consists of the part Landscape and Regionalisation including the environmental problems, and of the part Guide-books and Maps of some interest for geographer. Moreover, the present annual review of the Czechoslovak geographical bibliography is used as the basic source of the yearbook BIBLIOGRAPHIE GEOGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALE published in Paris under the auspices of the International Geographical Union.