Geografie 1975, 80, 177-183

Typological Classification of the Relief of the Czech Socialist Republic

Břetislav Balatka, Tadeáš Czudek, Jaromír Demek, Antonín Ivan, Jaroslav Sládek

The authors present the typological classification of the relief of the Czech Socialist Republic elaborated between 1964 and 1970 and represented cartographically on the map enclosed. Three criteria have been chosen for the typological classification such as: a) the morphographical classification of the relief in 8 classes according to the relative relief in referential areas of 16 km2; plains with prevailing relative relief 0-30 m; basins and furrows (relative relief not mentioned); flat hilly lands with prevailing relative relief 30-75 m; dissected hilly lands with prevailing relative relief 75-150 m; flat highlands with prevailing relative relief 150-200 m; dissected highlands with prevailing relative relief 200-300 m; flat mountains with prevailing relative relief 300-450 m; dissected mountains with prevailing relative relief 450-600 m b) the morphostructural classification on the basis of the structural-geological conditions and the effects of neotectonic movements in the following regions; of fold-faulted structures and igneous rocks of the fundament of the Bohemian Highlands; of Proterozoic and Old-Paleozoic Barrandian structures of the fundament of the Bohemian Highlands; of Permo-Carboniferous structures of the platform cover of the Bohemian Highlands; of consolidated Mesozoic structures of the platform cover of the Bohemian Highlands; of neovolcanic structures of the platform cover of the Bohemian Highlands; of unconsolidated Mesozoic and Tertiary structures of the platform cover of the Bohemian Highlands and unconsolidated Tertiary structures of the Western Carpathians; of flysch nappe structures of the Western Carpathians; of Quaternary structures. c) the morphogenetic classification on the basis of denudation chronology mainly the occurrence of planation surfaces and structural forms. On the basis of the criteria mentioned the basic relief types of the Czech Socialist Republic were defined and their areas delimitated an the scale of 1:500,000. Under the term relief type the authors understand a more or less distinctly delimited territory with a homogeneous complex of landforms which occurs in a certain altitude above sea level and is chracterized by equal morphographical features and equal genesis depending on the same morphostructure, the same complex of geomorphological processes and the same history of development. On the map the above mentioned 8 basic morphographical relief classes are represented by colours. On the basis of the morphostructure and morphogenesis 5 relief types have been distinguished in plains, 28 types in basins and furrows, 21 types in flat hilly lands, 42 types in dissected hilly lands, 37 types in flat highlands, 27 types in dissected highlands, 18 types in flat mountains and 7 types in dissected mountains and represented on the map by coloured hachures and letters.