Geografie 1973, 78, 284-293

A New Form of the Textbook of Geography

Otakar Tichý

Katedra zeměpisu pedagogické fakulty, Rooseveltova 3, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

The continual exposition "Mathematic geography in the school practice" is the first part of the textbook of geography, based on the independent work of pupils and the maximum employment of the object teaching. Ist consists of the logically bound thematical units in which the separate concepts are so expressed that they may be percept contemporary by sight and hearing. This exposition used so the advantages of written text and well prepared lecture. The exhibition was choosen and systematized in the didactic system, after carefully adjustment, and its pedagogical value is tested by practice. The extent an the conception of the exposition are given by the content and by the conception of the textbook of the Mathematician geography for Teachers Training Schools. But the establishment of the exhibition and the conducting texts enable to employ this exposition for secondary schools and for general public. The mathematician geography is located on 16 panels and in 17 glass cases and icluded 21 new developed apparatus and models (fig, 1-5). The separate geographical concepts are explained with help of figures, photographs, diagrams, graphs, passwords, brief textes, threedimensional aids etc. The comment of the most important passwords is completed and elaborated by film loops. The mathematician-geographic concepts are summarizied on each panel a briefly defined. Each of thematical units is supplied by a conduct-word on tape-recorder in the extent which answers to the need of secondary schools (Gymnasiums). The themes are finished by a brief enumeration of realities, with which this theme contributes and helps to the enrichment of the mankind'sknowledge, and to the improvment of the living conditions. To the threedimensional models are put the descriptions of their functions and their own mission. The commplementary and special materials, which are determine to the special study, are deposited in deposits. The list of objects, included the text which explains the mission of the exposition, with the schedule of geographie concepts, is the contain of the prepared catalogue. If the exposition have to pay as modern text-book than it is necessary to actualise and to modernise it and to complete it in an organic and complet unit with the possibility to organise the thematic exhibitions. The exhibiton, in such a form, may be organised in the future as arrangements in which at will be possible to develope the scientific, culture and enlightement activity directed specially to the colaboration with schools. It is possible to presuppose, that appurtenant entertaiments approach to the production of series of colour slides of all panels and the models in glass cases included the tapes explained the textes and they will offer such sets to the schools and enlightement arrangements. The conception of this exhibition answers to the demand of socialist education and so are given the presuppositions to the use to other tasks as the propagation of modern geography and to the help in the political education not only for pupils but also for other citiziens of our country.