Geografie 1971, 76, 278-300

Bibliography of Czechoslovak Geography in 1970

Miroslav Střída, Jana Špirytová

The first annual review af geographical works on Czechoslovakia in the just identical arrangement has been published in the Journal oi Czechoslovak Geographical Society, ten years ago. Now the new methods were improved especially on the basis of the work in the library sources. Bibliography presents regulary a wide choice of original and derived articles, books, maps and other geographical and regional works on the Czechoslovak territory published in 1970 (exceptionally in 1969 and 1968, denoted * in the list). The general important theoretical, methodical and pedagogical studies by Czech and Slovak authors only contain the system af GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. The regional system af CZECHOSLOVAKIA is divided in four sections and several parts. Works covering the whole Czechoslovak Czech or Slovak territory are sumed up as Generalities. The section of Physical Geography is divided into the part of Geomorphology including the major works of karst investigation, and the part of Climatology, Hydrology, Biogeography, Pedology. In the section of Human Geography are distinguished the part of Population and Settlements, the regional demography and urban geography included, and the part of Economics which contains the manufacturing, agricultural, and other economic geography. The books, articles and maps of complex regional or local character get into the section of Regional Works. It consist, since the last year, of the part Landscape and Regionalisation and the part Guide-books and Maps. The Czechoslovak geographical bibliography has, in the recent years developed under the collaboration af Institutes of Geography in the Czechoslovak and Slovak Academy, of Charles University and some others universities, Cartography Publisher's, etc. Selection has been revised by the editorial broad of the Journal. The present annual review of Bibliography af Czechoslovak Geography is, in the time, a source of the yearbook Bibliographie Géographique Internationale published in Paris under auspices of the International Geographical Union.