Geografie 1969, 74, 183-185

75th Anniversary of Czechoslovak Geographical Society

Jaromír Korčák

Přírodovědecká fakulta University Karlovy, Albertov 6, Praha 2, Czechia

In the opening article the author mentiones the 75th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Geographical Society, values its importance, its programme, and activity in the past as well as at the present time. The society was founded in Prague in October 1896 as the second geographical society in a Slav country. Since 1895 the society has own magazine called the Journal of the Czech Geographical Society changed later into the present Journal of the Czechoslovak Geographical Society which became one of the first Czech scientific magazines at all. After its establishment the society had 153 members, at the present their number having reached 940. In 1969 when two federal states, the Czech Socialist Republik and the Slovak Socialist Republik originated, the society was also divided into the Czech Geographical Society with its seat in Prague, and the Slovak Geographical Society having its seat in Bratislava.