Geografie 1966, 71, 14-23
A Few Notes on the Upper Forest Line in the Făgăraş and Retezat Mountains (South Carpathians)
Individual author index pages
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The term "high mountains"
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1992, Vol. 97, Issue 1, pp. 33-45 -
K šesťdesiatinám prof. RNDr. Michala Lukniša, DrSc.
Pavol Plesník
1976, Vol. 81, Issue 3, pp. 182-187 -
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1973, Vol. 78, Issue 3, pp. 161-169 -
Problem of the Forest and Tree Limits in the World
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1968, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp. 374-380 -
The Influence of the Wind on the Upper Habitation Line of the Forest in the Western Carpathian Mountains
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1960, Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp. 203-213