Geografie 1965, 70, 55-63

The Twentieth International Geographical Congress

Miroslav Střída

Geografický ústav ČSAV, Praha 1, Na Příkopě 29, Czechia

The Czechoslovak participation in the London Congress (July 1964) was larger and more active than in the past congresses. Sixteen geographers from various universities and geographical institutes took part in the XXth International Geographical Congress. They worked in 9 commissions and in all sections, presenting there nine reports. The members of the Congress were presented by the Czechoslovak National Committee for Geography with five special publications (see list of literature) which met with considerable interest. Czechoslovak works appeared at the International Exhibition of Thematic Maps, and at the exhibitions of National Atlases, Land Use Maps, and Population Maps. The strong representation of our geographers provided for a broad participation in IGU Commissions; our geographers work recently in the Commission on the Evolution of Slopes, on National Atlases, Periglacial Morphology, Methods of Economic Regionalization, Medical Geography, Applied Geomorphology, World Land Use Survey, Geography and Cartography of World Population, Agricultural Typology, and on Applied Geography. The XXXth Congress in London made possible to get a view of recent tendences in geography in the world, marking the way which should be taken by the geographical science for its development even in Czechoslovakia. This can be characterized by further penetration of geography into practical life, use of quantitative methods, perfection of representation methods in cartography, and complex regional and thematic research of the territory of the countries concerned and of developing countries, whose own geography is not yet ready to deal with that task. It is necessary now that the Czechoslovak National Committee for Geography may start as soon as possible the preparations for a good representation of our geography at the XXIst Geographical Congress in India.