Geografie 1964, 69, 300-305

Geography and Encyclopaedias

Dimitrij Louček

Encyklopedický institut ČSAV, Václavské nám. 41, Praha 1, Czechia

The present paper gives concise information on geography in general encyclopaedias. In these works geography ranks next to the most important scientific branches. In individual encyclopaedias, however, geographical material differs much in contents diction and extent. A more detailed analyses of geography may be found in the czechoslovak socialist encyclopaedia which is being published at the present, as well as in the Handlexikon of Knowledge published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences under the editorship of Academician Vladimír Procházka. The latest tendency, i. e. the publishing of specialized geographical encyclopaedias is mentioned in much detail. The dominating position of geography gets strengthened with illustrations and maps.