Geografie 1962, 67, 54-58

Příspěvek k hodnocení železniční sítě Bulharska

Vlastislav Häufler

Katedra ekonomické a regionální geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty KU, Praha 2, Albertov 6, Czechia

In the article the author quates so called coefficient of the detour for the district towns of the Bulgarian People's Republic before and after the building of the Balkan Railway (Dol. Kamarci - Klisura). The coefficient of the detour was introduced into the geography by H. Mortensen 1926 and represents in our conception the progress of the railway-line with regard the air-line to the distance of the starting and the terminal point. It was calculated for the Bulgarian district towns (about the situation to the year 1959) with he railway connections. From table A. we can see that the worst coefficient had the towns which lie on blind-lines. Those are the one's for which the building of the new railway lines is meant. From table B. we can see the changes which have been made in 1953 after the inauguration of the Balkan Railway. The greatest improvement we can see in Karlovo Kazanlyk and Sliven. From the greatest Bulgarian towns has the coefficient the smallest value in both cases in Varna and Sofia. If we compare the Bulgarian coefficient with those for other countries (Lithuanian S. S. R, former East Prussia and Moravia), we can see that in Bulgaria it is the largest. This article is dedicated to the Bulgarian academician A. S. Beškov for his 65th birthday.