Geografie 1961, 66, 97-101

Příspěvek k poznání teras Mže ve východním okolí Stříbra

Jiří Pešek

The paper is a short study which is to complete the investigations of terraces carried out in 1957 by L. Hanuš on the Mže-river east of Stříbro, Western Bohemia. The investigation of the terrace gravels and sands is rather difficult especially in places where these Quarternary sediments ought to be distinguished from the eluvium of coarser Carboniferous deposits. In the area under investigation these formations have been reliably distinguished by the application of several technical methods (bores and soundings). At the same time it was ascertained that the terrace gravels as well as the eluvium of the Carboniferous rocks reveal a great deal of pebbles of milky white vein quartz in difficult stages of wearing, i. e. angular pebbles from the terraces and subangular pebbles from the Carboniferous conglomerates. It is, however, important that the pebbles differ in size. Those of the Carboniferous conglomerates do not exceed the dimensions of 6x4x4 cm, the pebbles found in the terrace gravels achieve the size of as much as 10x7x5 cm. Quite often are pebbles reaching the size of a child's head.