Geografie 2020, 125, 291-317

Splash dams in the Krkonoše Mts: from the history to their possible use

Eva ŠádkováID, Bohumír JanskýID

Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Prague, Czechia

Received February 2019
Accepted January 2020

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Frajer Jind\u0159ich, Kremlová Jana, Fiedor David, Pavelková Renata, Trnka Miroslav: The importance of historical maps for man-made pond research: From the past extent of ponds to issues of the present landscape. A case study from the Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports 2021, 29, 184. <>
  • Frajer Jindřich: Between the layers of the palimpsest: Historical geographical research of changes in functions of small water reservoirs on the case study of the town of Čáslav (Czechia). Geografie 2021, 126, 393. <>
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