Geografie 2016, 121, 54-78
Improvement in physical river habitat quality in response to river restoration measures
The main goal of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that application of appropriate restoration measures can lead to an improvement in river habitat quality and to achieve good hydromorphological conditions within the ecological status under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/ES. The study includes an analysis of river network modifications founded on comparing historical and present-day maps, a determination of regional hydromorphological reference conditions based on a field survey and measurements, an assessment of hydromorphological quality of the studied water body and a proposal of appropriate restoration measures. The effects on improvement in hydromorphological status were predicted on the basis of a simulation of hydromorphological conditions after the application of proposed restoration measures. Overall, at least a good hydromorphological status would be achieved. The study proved that it is essential to carry out a hydromorphological survey including a determination of reference conditions as it provides some outputs necessary for a proposal and application of efficient restoration.
hydromorphology, river restoration, river habitat quality, Slubice River, Water Framework Directive, HEM.
This research was conducted as part of research projects GAČR 13-32133S “Headwaters retention potential with respect to hydrological extremes”, SVV 3300-244-2600781 “Physic-geographical processes” and PRVOUK-43 Geography.