Geografie 2008, 113, 237-252

Modelling the impact of anthropogenic modifications to river channels on the course of extreme floods. Case study: August 2002 flood, Blanice River basin, Czechia

Jakub Langhammer, Jan Sitař

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2, Czechia

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Müller M., Ka\u0161par M., Valeriánová A., Crhová L., Holtanová E., Gvo\u017edíková B.: Novel indices for the comparison of precipitation extremes and floods: an example from the Czech territory. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2015, 19, 4641. <>
  • Kašpar M., Müller M.: Combinations of large-scale circulation anomalies conducive to precipitation extremes in the Czech Republic. Atmospheric Research 2014, 138, 205. <>
  • Kutláková Lucie, Jeníček Michal: Modelling Snow Accumulation and Snowmelt in the Bystřice River Basin. Geografie 2012, 117, 110. <>
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