Geografie 2008, 113, 320-336

Development of environmental stress in the northwestern part of Czechia: New approaches and methods

Martin Balej, Jiří Anděl, Tomáš Oršulák, Pavel Raška

Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkinje University, České mládeže 8, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, Czechia

This article deals with the theoretical background to environmental stress theory that includes a multivariables system of indicators and the application of such theory. The environmental stress lies at the intersection of the stressors in the subsystems of a landscape, that is: natural (e.g. relief topography, air, water, soil, and biota) and/or social (e.g. demographic and economic variables). The methodological concept used can be applied to other areas of study because of its broader spatial and functional applications. In comparison to other methodologies used to evaluate the anthropopressures on the landscape (those that monitor changes in land use), the environmental stress assessment is directed at locating 'stressors' beyond the study areas that can significantly impact on future studies.


The work was supported by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Czech Republic) through grant Methodical procedure of social and ecological links assessment with economic transformation: Theory and application, No. 1J 008/04-DP1 and by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic through grant project Formation of Social Structures behind the Changing Cultural Landscape in the Period of Transformation, No. GA403/06/0243.