Geografie 2006, 111, 292-304

Runoff changes according to human impact on the landscape

Zdeněk Kliment, Milada Matoušková

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

The main aim of our research project was to determine the extent to which the outflow can be influenced by the human interventions in three-selected water basins in Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mountains) and foothills. The rainfall-runoff analyses using both the single and double mass curves over the period of the hydrologic observations were taken as a basic methodology. Beside mean discharge, precipitation, snow and air temperature trends, analysis of land cover change and human impact on the river network and drainage areas development were applied too. The greatest deviations were widely observed in the period between the 2nd half of the seventies and in the 1st half of the eighties. The whole system came slowly back to its initial condition in the early nineties. The runoff trend deviation has been related to the nature and human factors, mainly to current climatic changes and changes of landscape retention potential.


The presented research was funded by the Research Plan MSM 0021620831 "Geographical Systems and Risk Processes in Context of Global Changes and European Integration" of the Czech Ministry of Education and Research Project VaV-SM/2/57/05 "Long-term changes of river ecosystems in floodplains affected by extreme floods" of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic which is fully appreciated by the authors.