Geografie 2005, 110, 243-254

Lake Libišská tůň in nature reserve Černínovsko: Present state and anthropogenic disturbance of the oxbow lake's ecosystem - an integrated limnological approach

Martin Turek

Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czechia

This paper dealings with the history, the present state and human impact on the oxbow lake Libišská tůň situated in the nature reserve Černínovsko near town Neratovice in Czechia. For the assessment of the lake's ecosystem an integrated limnological approach is used. There has been a considerable human influence on the lake's ecosystem since it's genesis in the first half of the 19th century during the canalization of the Elbe River. The lake is situated close to one of the biggest Czech chemical factories Spolana Neratovice, which has had a detrimental impact on the lake's water quality and on the content of heavy metals in the sediments. The fish stock there has a significant impact on the species composition of plankton. A morphomeric survey was carried out on the lake and the annual hydrological regime of the lake in view of the river and groundwater has been evaluated.


Článek vznikl za finanční podpory grantu GAČR "Atlas jezer České republiky" (205/03/1264) a výzkumného záměru MŠM 0021620831 "Geografické systémy a rizikové procesy v kontextu globálních změn a evropské integrace".