Geografie 2005, 110, 1-14
Water Quality in Šlapanka River Catchment: Model Situation of Rural Areas of Czechia
This article evaluates water quality of the river Šlapanka, which runs through a typical landscape of Českomoravská vrchovina. It deals with water quality at present and with its long-term development (since 1976). A significant part of the article consists of evaluation of pollution sources (agriculture, industry, population). The type of pollution sources is distinguished by dependence analysis of concentration of substances on flows and in different seasons. At the end of the article there are measures suggested to reduce the impact of pollution sources.
Šlapanka River, pollution sources (agriculture, population), water quality, nitrate, BOD, dependence analyses, water quality improving measures.
Článek vznikl za podpory Výzkumného záměru geografické sekce Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy "Geografické systémy a rizikové procesy v kontextu globálních změn a evropské integrace" MSM 0021620831.