Geografie 2004, 109, 236-251

Conditionality and regional differentiation of life expectancy of population in Slovakia

Anton Michálek, Peter Podolák

Geografický ústav SAV, Štefánikova 49, 814 73 Bratislava, Slovensko

In comparison with the healthiest European populations, Slovakia is characterized by significantly lower values of life expectancy at birth, particularly of men. The aim of this paper is to identify the main possible reasons of this situation and to outline the probable influence and nature of the most important factors. The paper also deals with main characteristics and possible reasons of regional differentiation of this situation that shows significantly different values in different regions of the country.


Výsledky prezentované v štúdii boli dosiahnuté v rámci riešenia projektu č. 3083 podporovaného grantovou agenturou VEGA.